Gee is a valuable asset to any team. She is proactive and thoughtful in approach, meaning that she quickly established herself as a key member of our team. She's a truly talented creative leader and takes great personal pride in her work with a high attention to detail. I'd highly recommend her anyone she chooses to work with!
Charlie Davies
COO and Co-Founder, So Energy
Gee is a thoughtful designer who listens consciously to ensure great commercial outcomes.
Michael Migliore
Executive Marketing Consultant, Shephard Media
I have to say it’s rare to come across someone as motivated and enthusiastic as Gee
Louise Cannon
Marketing Manager
Gee elevates the teams and projects she is involved with.
Senior Copywriter, Amazon
Gee is a very creative and innovative art director.
Senior Art Director, Amazon
Gee is one of the most talented and hard working people I've had the pleasure of working with.
Elliott Begley
Marketing Executive, Shephard Media
Gee is everything you could look for in a Designer
Anthony White
Head of Marketing, Shephard Media
Gee is quite frankly an incredible designer.
Isabella Eckert
Head of Growth, Equals Money
Gee is one of the best designers I have ever worked with.
Darren Lake
CEO, Shephard Media
Gee is an incredibly talented and creative designer.
Annie Fang
Lead Product Designer, Equals Money
Gee consistently comes up with innovative ideas and narratives that surprise and delight
Abi Buchan
Art Director, Amazon

Equals Money

The well-established Equals Money brand meant I was able to hit the ground running and create meaningful projects, outline processes and experiment with new tools to create efficiencies.
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Refining a Diamond' is a workflow I adopted to help visualise and explain the end-to-end design process for day-to-day tasks. It improves efficiency on the small, low-value tasks and provides more time to work on the designs that matter. Likewise Figma has opened up lots of new tools and techniques to streamline design workflows, meaning you can now invent and simplify new ways to both design and empower others outside of the design team to create their own designs.
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